I am a successor to two great men who had their own unique vision to not only further education in the region but also make the institution a pioneer. Our founding principal Mr. U Singh with his humble beginnings, nurtured his students and team with great care and compassion. His successor former Director Col K.S.Saini pushed us all into limelight and made sure we made a mark.

As the third chair, I strive to combine and channel into the institution what has been passed on to me personally and as a educationist at heart. I have come to believe that ’local has the potential to become global’. Education is so much more than just academia. When our alumni return as contributing members of the society, all the loving nurture and care that has gone into bringing them up right from kindergarten to school graduation comes to fruition.

Education is much like gardening, you sow seeds, water them and care for them, more than anything it is hope and belief in the potential of the seeds that sprouts into green saplings that grow into tall shade bearing fruit trees. We at SKS, nurture hope and believe in our students.

- NehaSingh